Shark Chewing on an Aussie Surfer

This week I’m halfway through the tones of Small Shen, and also adjusted the release date of House of Odd to March 20, 2012, which is the date it comes out on Amazon. It now even has a Kindle edition (on Amazon).

In other news, I get to show you my Shark amigurumi, shown here chewing happily on some unlucky Australian surfer (with tasteful amounts of blood).


This pattern is originally from here, and I altered the original to make the shark a bit bigger. So it can fit a surfboard and surfer in its mouth, ofcourse!


Shark 1

Step 1: Crochet the top half of the shark in grey, as with all amigurumi


Shark 2

Step 2: Crochet the bottom half of the shark in white, then sew the 2 hemispheres together, leaving a space for the mouth.


Shark 3

Step 3: Crochet the fins and tail, and sew it onto the shark. I used size 14mm safety eyes (huge).


Shark 4

Step 4: Crochet the legs and surfboard, then stick them in the shark's mouth while sewing the shark's mouth together. Due to the stuffing inside, this took a while


And here we have the final Shark, from a few more angles to capture the bloody moment:

Shark Side
Shark Front

2 thoughts on “Shark Chewing on an Aussie Surfer”

    1. Thanks! 😀 I have a lot more amigurumi and free patterns I want to put up, so stay tuned on this blog!

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