It’s Been A While: Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick

Sleeping Chick




I like to imagine chickens breaking out of their eggs not because they have to, but because they find it so quiet and lonely in there. This flies in the face of common sense (as does this whole strip), but unlike us human observers, newly-woken baby chicks don’t quite know they’re inside an egg. It’s a silly thought, but apparently worth doodling something on.


The Dreaming: “The Dreaming” writing contest is over, the winners have been chosen, and thankyou to everyone who entered it! I will write a longer post about it later – picking the winners were an extremely difficult job and it deserves an LJ post all on its own. I believe the winners will be announced at the Book Expo America.


In Odd We Trust: The release date is in June, not July, so I shall post my penultimate “In Odd We Trust” post soon.


Move to Melbourne: The reason why I haven’t posted for so long is because I’ve been moving house to Melbourne (from Sydney) for the past 2 months. I’m still not done, would you believe. There is alot of catch-up posting to do.