Bumble Bee Amigurumi

I’ve started on Small Shen, which should be due next year in July (probably in time for a Christmas release). We shall see how it goes! Also, I’ve got a bumblebee crochet here, from a pattern kindly placed online by the Curious Crochet blog. Isn’t it cute?


Step 1: Start making the striped body. Learned to change colours in a single crochet body here.


Step 2: Added little black eyes... these were the first beady safety eyes I bought, and I'm glad I still have a use for them.... as they were actually too small!


Step 3: Sewed the stinger on. Almost made a mess out of this, as the stinger was so small it was hard to crochet.


Step 4: Crocheted the wings, and sewed the onto the body.


Here’s a pic of the finished Bumble Bee Amigurumi:


Bumble Bee Amigurumi

Peanut Bear

I’m back from NYCC and trying to recover from what was really a very long trip. Due to some mix-up with the table listing, the “Bento Comics” booth didn’t end up being listed under our name at NYAF, so I guess that may have confused a few people if they didn’t spot the “Bento Comics” booth in the Anime Festival’s artist alley, at least on the map. We did some good sales nonetheless, so better luck next time.


NYCC 2011

A shot of one of the entrances of NYCC 2011. It was crazy, with so many people going!

Bento Table

Here's our setup for Bento Comics. The Sherlock Holmes anthology sold very well!


The other interesting piece of news is that I’ve learned to crochet. Finally. I’ve long been a knitter, but the last time I took up crocheting was a horrible accident, so I’ve not attempted crochet since… until now. It turns out that with a few good internet instructional videos from Youtube and a bit of patience, I can crochet just fine. I fumbled the first few attempts, but I seem to be doing quite well, so well that when I crocheted a little smiley cactus, I sold it off at NYCC quite quickly.

You’ll see more crochet from me later on, but for now, I leave you with the first thing I ever crocheted. It’s “Peanut Bear” (more like Amputated Bear) from Nerdigurumi, which is a great beginner pattern (with videos). I later added arms and legs to this pink bear, so it looks a tad different now.


Step 1: Start the top of the bear with a "Magic Circle". Took me ages to get this right.


Step 2: Started making the body. By now, I can stitch increase and decrease pretty well.


Step 3: Added some plastic eyes to it. I had some left-over from my little animal knittings from earlier.


Step 4: Sewed ears onto the bear. You can also sew other ears, like dogs/cats/rabbits, which would make it a different kind of Peanut animal.


Now for the final finished, limbless Peanut Bear. Don’t worry, I DID put arms and legs on it later:


Peanut Bear