It’s the end of June, and the third “Odd Thomas” book with Dean Koontz, titled “House of Odd”, is up to the final stages. I’ve done all the pencils for the whole book, currently around 190 pages, and after the last 50 pages are inked (and toned by fantastic toner Dee DuPuy), it’ll be officially over. The book is due in April 2012, just after the movie, so keep your eyes peeled for it!
On another note, I’ve been doing some more “Knits and Bits” projects on the side. To show folks how my little cakes are put together, I’ve taken a series of step-by-step photos of how I make them from the kits.
- Step 6: I then added the little fluffy brown bits, which was quite difficult as the wool felt was kinda disobedient, and was flying all over the place. I struggled to get it under control, then stabbed it down too much. The brown topping is supposed to look more fluffy than this, but oh well. Started stabbing the oranges on.
And now for the finished cake, the Slice o’ Orange Cake-in-a-Cup:
- Final Product: This took me 4 hours to make, in-between working on “Odd Thomas 3”, listening to music, watching a Chinese Martial Arts movie on Youtube, and random internet surfing.