The original version of “The Dreaming” was first printed from 2005-2007 in TOKYOPOP, while the new revised edition has been re-published in 2023 by IPI Comics.
I explained the reasons for the revised edition at the back of the revised vol1, so read that there if you want to know. The new version differs from the old one in small but significant ways–for example, the story is now a Lovecraftian horror, as it should have been (the original quoted from the “Necronomicron” at the start of vol2). The ending remains the same, and the short story that was part of the collected edition is now at the end of vol3.

Important: All character faces have been redrawn. Some character clothing and a handful of backgrounds have been enhanced, and that is throughout the entire series. Only changes that are not the aforementioned changes will be listed below, and I must note that the page numbers refer to the new, revised version.
- Chapter 1 – pg5 – the photo on the first page now shows the year the event is set in, which is now 1997. Previously, you can figure out that this story is set in the year 1989 from Anne’s tombstone in Chapter 13, pg2, but most people probably missed that small detail so I added it directly here.
- Chapter 1 – pg21 – Millie is now introduced with her last name “Barrett” mentioned.
- Chapter 2 – pg51 – the end of chapter 2 now shows Amber sleeping, not Jeanie. It makes more sense since Amber is the one who has the bed closest to the window, though ultimately they both get the dreams so it doesn’t make huge difference.
- Chapter 3 – pg65-69 – Trevor’s character design got a complete overhaul, the only character to look almost like a different person. What a change 20 years can make in an artist.

- Chapter 4 – pg77 – The line is changed from “Come to me…” to “Are you the one…?”
- Chapter 4 – pg84 – In the last panel, The line is changed from “Mrs. Malkin wanted a young teacher, so she fought hard to get her hired…” to “Mrs. Malkin wanted a young, indigenous teacher, so she fought hard to get her hired…” Miss Anu was always Australian aboriginal, but many people didn’t understand that and assume she was African American, which… she isn’t.
- Chapter 4 – pg96 – The order of the words are changed in panel 2. It is now “Ooh, we haven’t done this in a while…”, “So whose name do I call?”, and then “Mm… Mary Spector. Five times.”. Previously, it isn’t clear who gave the name Mary Spector (it was Millie, but I wanted to hide that), but now I make it very clear that it was Millie.
- Chapter 4 – pg97 – The moon in the window is made more clearly to be a waxing and not a full moon.
- Chapter 4 – pg102 – The image of the girl in the upside down broken cup has been changed to Mary Spector, but ultimately that doesn’t affect the story – its a minor reference. Same for the words spelled out around the broken cup, which previously spelled “Come to Us” (in reference to Chapter 4, pg3), but now make a direct reference to a character in Vol3, Chapter 19. I’m guessing 99% of readers will miss this, like some other things in this story.

- Chapter 5 – pg125 – In the third panel, Millie said “My parents are gonna kill me!”. Now she says “My family is gonna kill me!” The original Millie had “parents”, but she no longer does in this version.

- Chapter 8 – pg6-9 – In the original version, Millie is shown to be reading the “Necronomicon”, but it wasn’t prominent enough in the lettering of the book cover. The lettering is now a lot more prominent, even though it’s… on both front and back covers, which is ridiculous but necessary in this case because it seemed a lot of people missed that reference in the original (even though it quoted directly from the “Necronomicron”…)

- Chapter 8 – pg20 – The first narration box originally mentioned “Millie”, now it’s “Millie Barrett”
- Chapter 9 – pg47 – Miss Anu previously said “Well, there are plenty of aboriginal myths about the bush, but those are–“. Now, she says “Well, this school does have a lot of rumours about the surrounding bushlands, but these are– “. Amber previous said “Like what?”, and now she says “Are what?”
- Chapter 9 – pg48-52 – Amber’s dream sequence has been extended with an additional 4 pages, with changed dialogue on the past panel for pg48, and additional dialogue for the rest of the pages

- Chapter 10 – pg64 – In the first panel, the dialogue was “Schala insisted […]” Now, it’s “I heard that Schala insisted […]”
- Chapter 10 – pg71 – In the last panel, “Singapore” is now “Hong Kong”.
- Chapter 10 – pg83 – In the second panel, the former passage was “Including Millie.” It has now been changed to “Excluding Millie Barrett.”
- Chapter 10 – pg88-89 – In the panel of pg88, the story about the log cabin has been changed to something else.
- Chapter 13 – pg144 – Dates on the grave has been changed. Previously, you can figure out that this story is set in the year 1989 from what is written on this gravestone, but the story is now set in 1997 so dates have changed accordingly. I doubt most readers noticed this.

- Chapter 13 – pg146 – In the second-last panel, “nuclear physicist” is now “astrophysicist.”
- Chapter 13 – pg147 – In the second panel, “nuclear physicist” is now “astrophysicist.”
- Chapter 13 – pg179 – Additional dialogue has been added to last panel, talking about the differences between the twins as people. Jeanie mentions that Amber is a lot more “Chinese” than her, and spoke her native tongue of Cantonese whereas Jeanie never bothered to learn. And the girls are Eurasian, if you managed to not notice that their father is from formerly Singapore, now Hong Kong, as mentioned in Chapter 10, pg71.

- Chapter 15 – pg12-16 – This section has been redrawn, and the narration here has been changed.
- Chapter 15 – pg25 – The dialogue in the first panel has been changed from “I have to do something! Anything at all, just something!!” to “I have to try and get amber out of here somehow, even if the roads are flooded. If only there was a way we can visually alert people in the surrounding area that the school is stranded…”
- Chapter 16 – pg36 – In panel 2, Anne once said “Not “normal” dreams, but they’ve been going on for some time.” has been deleted. The dialogue from panel 3 “And they make me feel sick afterward. Dunno why.” has been shifted to panel 2 and rewritten to “I don’t know why, but they always make me feel sick afterwards.” One new line of dialogue has been added to panel 3.
- Chapter 16 – pg46 – “[…] sometime around the 1910s.” has been changed to “[…] sometime around the 1920s.” This is because the year the story is set in has been changed from 1989 to 1997.
- Chapter 17 – pg62-75 – This part has been partly redrawn, and the narration here has been changed. 4 pages have been completely redrawn for this original sequence, and 2 new pages have been added.
- Chapter 18 – pg81 – In panel 3 “Okay, there’s the wall…” has been changed to “Okay, let’s stay close to the wall…”. In panel 4 “Ouch! Watch out for those sharp corners!” has been changed to “Ouch! Watch out for the sharp edges on those decorated corner things!”
- Chapter 18 – pg84-85 – These two pages have been shortened into one page.
- Chapter 18 – pg92 – In panel 1-3, words have been changed.
- Chapter 18 – pg93 – The words in the last panel have been changed.
- Chapter 18 – 3 extra pages have been added to the start of this chapter.

- Chapter 19 – pg121 – Last name has been added to the name of the character in the last panel.
- Chapter 19 – pg126 – Additional dialogue has been added in panel 3
- Chapter 19 – pg128 – Words in panel 2 has been changed
- Chapter 19 – pg133 – Words in panel 1 and 5 has been changed
- Chapter 20 – pg139 – Additional dialogue has been added, 2nd-last panel art has been changed
- Chapter 20 – pg149 – Words in panel 3 has been changed
- Chapter 20 – pg156 – Words in panel 3 has been changed
- Chapter 20 – pg164 – Words in panel 3-4 has been changed
- Chapter 21 – pg174 – Narration in last panel has changed
- Chapter 21 – pg176 – Narration in the last panel has changed
- Chapter 21 – pg177 – Narration in last 2 panels have changed
- Chapter 21 – pg178 – Narration in first 2 panels have changed
- Chapter 21 – pg179 – Narration in 2nd panel has changed
- Chapter 21 – pg184 – Narration in last panel has changed
- Note: Volume 3 also contains an extra chapter at the back, called “Aftermath”, which is a completely re-written version of the 20-pg short story at the end of the Collected Edition. It’s nearly all re-written, so I won’t bother listing all the changes here. It’s meant to act as a bridging chapter to the sequel, though it can be a stand-alone story.