The Dreaming: The REAL cover!!

This is (going) to be final cover – definately more manga-looking than the first draft – if it’s approved by the powers-that-be at TokyoPop. It’s probably going to require some changes (hopefully not too much), so I’m not too worried about what it looks like now. I only got news that it was needed on Saturday, and had to be finished by Monday. So I only had 2 days to do this, so maybe I should amazed it turned out well. *phew* Now I absolutely MUST get started on Chapter 7. Last time I had trouble whipping myself into action, but now I’m raring to go!!! The busier I get, the more likely I am to FEEL like working. Strange… at least Chapter 7’s not official due until 15th August. HUZZAH!!


The Dreaming cover


The colours for this turned out a bit odd in Photoshop, but luckily that sort of thing can very easily be fixed with changing the Hue/Saturation. Anyway, I’ll leave that to the art department people, who is also designing the logo. I’m so grateful I don’t have to do the logo, because if I did it would turn out to be an illegibal mess. But seeing it’s in good hands I can just kick back and get Chapter 7 done!


The Dreaming: Chapters 1-6 all done…

I’ve been bumming around for the past 4 days, largely because I only have 1 chapter left to do and about 5 weeks to do it, which is more than enough. I tell myself, I MUST get started on Chapter 7 inks tomorrow… get it over and done with. Come on!! *tries to whip self up into a frenzy*. I’ve heard through the grapevine that I seem to be the only TokyoPop creator who is actually ahead of schedule. Well, what an honour, not that it matters at the end of the day. Anyway, here are 2 sample pages from chapters 5 and 6.


Page 111 of "The Dreaming"


Page 144 of "The Dreaming"


Sprites!: That’s not saying I haven’t been doing anything – look at this! I’ve always been a great admirer of sprite artists (the ones that don’t rip sprites from other games, that is). I love how the way they’re able to inject personality into a smattering of otherwise insignificant pixels. I’ve always been interested in graphical story-telling, regardless of the kind it is, so I have more than a passing interest in animation of all sorts. Oddly enough, I think that sprite story-telling can be extremely effective if one uses it well. *Gets all sorts of ideas in head*. Being someone with an agenda at all times, it’s actually a more efficient and less time-consuming form of telling a story. Definately less dramatic, but hey, I need to get these stories outta my head (and I’m only talking about the good stories) and I ain’t cranking manga pages out fast enough.


Link and Epona animated sprite

Link and Epona!


This took me a fair number of hours to animate smoothly. Damn horse tail…it’s only 11 frames, and each frame is running at 0.04s …I should be working on Chapter 7, really.


Block 6: Another new page at! Now that “The Dreaming” is wrapping up, hopefully I’ll be getting back into Block 6 and all the other “left hanging” manga at my site. I’m planning for volume 2 work to start in January 2006, so hopefully I can use the time from August to November to fix up any manga I have left in the frozen food section. That would mean finishing off “Keeper of the Soul”, who is a mere 3 pages from end of the prelude, and “Blood of Snow”, which is about 24 pages from the end. Not to mention I have to start promoting “The Dreaming”… and the art exhibition coming up too… ARRRGH!!

The Dreaming: Going on…

Well, I’ve finished inking chapter 5 and 6, and is now currently toning chapter 5 and making some corrections. As usual, I’ve been lazy about informing folks of my progress, partly because there’s been a revival of old DOS gaming at this end of the spectrum and THIS person happens to be playing old DOS games while toning. Which is the best thing about computer toning – I exercise my (and the computer’s) multi-tasking skills in full force. Either way, “The Dreaming” will definately be completed by the end of July, and until then, the release date is tentatively set for Jan 2006.


Great Site for Old Games: Try Abadonia, which is a GREAT site full of old DOS games. There are many of them out there, but Abandonia includes a message board, a rating and a review facility and the page just looks alot more professional than the other sites out there. And it has… HTTP downloads!! One game I can really recommend is a fan-made game called 5 Day a Stranger, which is a horror-based game that is quite impressive for a one-person venture. It’s a short adventure game about a gentleman thief called Trilby, whose purpose was to liberate an empty mansion of it’s riches after it’s owners mysteriously died. However, after going in, he finds himself trapped within the mansion, and oddly enough, there are also 4 paranoid people trapped there under the same circumstances as him. Some nice scripting and use of music – it’s also got a sequel called “7 Days a Skeptic”, which I’m going to download later.


Reading Fun: “5 Days a Stranger” unsettled me because I have been reading a collection of HP Lovecraft’s stories, called “The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories”. I really do love his stories – he really IS (one of) the best innovators of the horror genre (and the Edgar Allen Poe influence). Oddly enough, Lovecraft’s work is really difficult to find in this country. Can you believe the librarians and book sellers I spoke to haven’t even HEARD of him, and can’t spell his name properly (“Lovegraft?”), let alone know what I’m talking about. Meanwhile, there are enough Isaac Asimov books filling the shelves of libraries and bookstores everywhere to the extent where I don’t actually need to buy any of it. I’m thinking of buying “Robot Dreams” though, since it has some of my favourite stories in it, but for now I’ll stick with Lovecraft. I haven’t been able to find “The Illustrated Man” anywhere though, or any of Roy Bradbury’s work. Maybe all those volumes of Asimov’s work ate them.


Sydney Film Festival: Ahh, ofcourse I went. “Howl’s Moving Castle” was the Closing Night bonanza, and it sold out in a flash so I had to settle for other good movies. I’ve seen one feature out of the three I booked – namely “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room”. A fantastic documentary about the Rise and Fall of Enron, which as far as corporate scandals go, is probably the biggest scam in history. I’m also set to see “Kindergarten”, another documentary-style film, and one African film I’ve been dying to see called “Moolade”. Most of these films got good reviews elsewhere, and it seems that “Howl’s Moving Castle” has been released in the United States – if is to judge. The barometer of the critical response is mostly positive, though top critic Roger Ebert had an unfavourable review. This is not surprising – the man is a HUGE fan of Miyazaki (and animation in general), and his disappointment in Howl’s storyline, which I share, is palpable in his review.

The Dreaming: Halfway Mark Breached!

3 more laps to go after this – Chapters 1-4 (out of 7 is complete!). *runs victory lap for the 4th time to applause*. I’ll be starting inking for Chapters 5 and 6 on Monday – hopefully the inking for these 2 will be finished in a month’s time. I plan for the finishing date to be in late July, ahead of the original deadline.

Samples: I stuck up some random samples of chapters 3 and 4.


Page 51 of "The Dreaming"


Page 57 of "The Dreaming"


Page 77 of "The Dreaming"


Other News: After some bungling with the paycheck due to the incompetence of the (large, international) banks involved, I finally got the Australian Dollar version of my TokyoPop paycheck into my bank account! I’ve decided to donate 5% of the income to a charity of choice, though I haven’t decided which one yet. I’m leaning towards GreenPeace… though I normally donate to World Vision, or the Salvation Army. But Save the Planet is a compelling argument.

But first, I detect signs of trouble bubbling on the horizon, probably a recession or even a depression lingering over the American economy. My rationalisation is simple – thanks to the slide in the American dollar and the comparitive rise of the Aussie dollar, I’ve seen my TokyoPop payouts shrink by up to 50%. 3 years ago, the American buck was going strong at AUD$1 : US$0.56. In other words, US$1 -> AUD$1.78. Sux if you’re shopping in American dollars, but great if you’re earning American $$$.

Now in 2005, the situation is tumbling, and is going to sink even further. Currently, AUD$1 : US$0.78, meaning that US$1 -> AUD$1.28. This means that for the SAME US$1, I’ve suffered a AUD$0.50 loss on the Australian dollar exchange. Three years ago, US$1000 would have gotten me AUD$1780. Now, while the price of goods in Australia hasn’t changed by much but the usual inflation percentage, US$1000 gets me only AUD$1280. Big, BIG difference.


Economic Woes: Is the US economy to blame for this? Well, yes, but more specifically, it’s Alan Greenspan and the Bush Administration that is at the top of my hit list. They are not solely to blame for everything, but America’s economy has been heading down the drain ever since Bush took office, and the only thing he’s done is to accelerate it. There are many reasons for the slide in American dollars, including the Petrol-Dollar VS Petrol-Euro debacle, the wallpapering of the world in US dollars, and record-low interest rates paired with record-high trade deficits. The US economy also suffers from the siphoning of service jobs to IT centers like Bangalore and China, creating a job boom consisting largely of flipping burgers and washing windows.

Why did this happen, and HOW did this happen? A low US dollar means sux be to US consumers, because imports will now cost more, leading to an even larger trade deficit (70% of Walmart products come from China, who manipulates its currency). Normally it would also mean good news in being able to export more, except that the US no longer has any factory products to export compared to slave labour countries like China. However, the American economy has been growing at about 3% a year since 2001 compared to stagnant rates in Europe and Japan. If you look at these figures, it sure looks rosy, no?

Actually, the fact American economy has been growing at 3% a year is the same reason why the US trade deficit is the largest in history. To stimulate the economy after the 9/11 incident, Alan Greenspan decided to lower interest rates to 1%, one of the lowest ever. The low interest rates caused a massive increase in spending and consuming, which is what caused the US economy to expand. But wait – where comes the money to spend? Well, much of it is on credit – borrowed from the future to pay for the present. Now 4 years after 2001, there is a housing bubble, and the average US household spends $1.20 for every $1.00 it earns. Ofcourse, when interest rates rises, and it’s doing so now, houses will be repossessed by the banks and people will find themselves unable to repay their interest on loans. Meanwhile, the Republican-held Congress has just passed a law making it more difficult for people to declare bankruptcy, along with Bush’s plans to kill off Social Security. Coupled with utterly irresponsible fiscal spending, I daresay the Republicans know that something’s up. Not to mention there’s the ongoing Iraq and Afghanistan War, which has so far cost $200 billion and counting (Contrary to popular belief, the Taliban is alive and well and back on the airwaves in Afghanistan). If there was a charity I can donate to which forces the Bush Administration to spend responsiby, I would give my entire paycheck to it.

All very gloom and doom, but perhaps the most useful thing to remember about the US economy is that one comes along every 4 years, right after the elections. Yes, US economic cycles have more to do with the US election than anything else out there. Usually, the point is for the books to be cooked until after the election, when you can unload it on the populance while they can’t do a thing about it because the president is already sworn in. The last US (brief) recession was in 2001, and in 2005 it’s time due for another one.