The Dreaming: The REAL cover!!

This is (going) to be final cover – definately more manga-looking than the first draft – if it’s approved by the powers-that-be at TokyoPop. It’s probably going to require some changes (hopefully not too much), so I’m not too worried about what it looks like now. I only got news that it was needed on Saturday, and had to be finished by Monday. So I only had 2 days to do this, so maybe I should amazed it turned out well. *phew* Now I absolutely MUST get started on Chapter 7. Last time I had trouble whipping myself into action, but now I’m raring to go!!! The busier I get, the more likely I am to FEEL like working. Strange… at least Chapter 7’s not official due until 15th August. HUZZAH!!


The Dreaming cover


The colours for this turned out a bit odd in Photoshop, but luckily that sort of thing can very easily be fixed with changing the Hue/Saturation. Anyway, I’ll leave that to the art department people, who is also designing the logo. I’m so grateful I don’t have to do the logo, because if I did it would turn out to be an illegibal mess. But seeing it’s in good hands I can just kick back and get Chapter 7 done!