The Waking: Manifest

It’s no surprise that I’m attending MANIFEST 2005, the Manga and Anime convention held in Melbourne and hosted by many Melbourne University Anime clubs. I don’t think I’ve booked a table (long story there), but you can expect to see me wave around this beautiful glossy A4 flyer – which has printed so beautifully my mother took a batch of it and wouldn’t give it back. The printing shop also had a lady who loved manga art so I gave her a flyer and spread the word!!


Manifest is on from the 23rd~25th September, at Melbourne University, and I will be on a panel on Sunday. I’ll be talking about my experiences doing “The Dreaming” and working with TokyoPop, so do come along if you want to hear this. Below are the details:


Panel: Manga Industry Panel
Time: Sunday 25th September, 10:30 am
Talk: I’m getting a speech prepared, and will be talking firstly about “The Dreaming”. I’ll then talk about how I pitched my work to Tokyopop, and the pre-planning required to do the graphic novel/manga. I’ll also talk about my work process, and how I prepare the final pages for the book.
On the same panel: Madman Entertainment and Oztaku



All Draw Same

Doesn't look like me


Self-portrait for a local anthology, All Draw Same which asks artists of Asian descent or people who just draw Asian-like (manga-like) art to do either a self-portrait or a piece of writing. It’s being compiled by Komala, the goddess of manga.




I drew this pic of Yunyu the first time we met


Here’s a musician who creates rather unusual music. I went to her gig a few weeks ago, and this is EXACTLY what she looks like. Actually, no, she has TWO eyes, but with her goth/horror-tinged music, she OUGHT to only have one. Yunyu and her friends are all huge comics/manga fans, so naturally we get along very well.