The Waking: And it Continues…

Currently I’m juggling my marketing scheme and coming out on the bottom, but at least making progress. I’m working on a flyer to distribute at the long line of upcoming conventions, and things are okay so far. I’ve also got to design a business card. I’ve got a good postcard though, and it’s here. The postcard is going to be issued by TokyoPop, and going to be distributed free as part of signings!! I took the liberty of creating all new art for it rather than just slapping the cover onto it – so power be to moi!

I’ve also printed the art for the Electrofringe festival out, and they look fantastic! Will probably reuse them for the other conventions. And it is confirmed. The Electrofringe Art Exhibition will go from 22nd September to the 9th October, and I will be there at a panel on the 2nd October to talk about my work. More details on convention attendances to be posted up later on.


The Dreaming - Jeanie


This is actually in colour, with the same colour scheme as the Cover of “The Dreaming”, but this duotone version looks pretty too, so I’m posting this up.


Block 6: The Webcomic is here. And page117 is up. It’s the last page of Chapter 5, though in reality I’ve decided to split Chapter 5 into two segments because of the length. Not that it’s making any difference. Part 1 of Block 6, due to the chapter changes, now ends at Chapter 7, and Part 2, I guess it’s safe to say, involves a police investigation of a suspicious murder at “Block 6”. And we get to see just how thick a folder this building has. And who gets to die in a horrible way.