The Dreaming: The Final Cover!

I just heard back from my editor – this amazing thing happened at TokyoPop. My cover got approved by the CEO without needing any changes, even after the logo and assorted stuff has been added. Apparently this has NEVER happened before, and I am in AWE that there were no changes required. WOAH! But that just leaves me more time to do work, yeah! And it seems that I’ll have to add the page numbers into the book myself, which is actually a good thing since I have time, and it’s more trustworthy than asking someone else to add it in and hope it’ll be there when the book comes out. And there *TADA* will be a table of contents.

Anyway, here’s the cover with logo. Personally I was hoping the logo would look more “elegant”, but then if Stu Levy (with his high standards) approved this, then it MUST be okay. I wonder whether additional art can be added on the back though… since it’s a repeat of the cover image, but for now it looks fine.


Cover for The Dreaming - vol1


I did a calculation of how long the book took me. When I start doing something – pencilling, inking, toning – I tend to make the starting and ending dates. There may be some breaks/pauses in between, but I still count those days in. So far, I’ve calculated I’ve done 71 days of pencilling, 93 days of inking, and 57 days for toning. Since the whole thing is 171 pages, it’s down to an average of 2.41 pages/day for pencilling, 1.84 pages/day for inking, and 3 pages/day for toning. Not bad, really.


Art Exhibition: I’ve been blabbering about this for a while, and details still haven’t been finalised, but I’ll post it up anyway. There’s going to be large arts festival in Newcastle in September-October, called the “This Is Not Art Festival”, which is actually a whole bunch of festivals clustered together, concentrating on New Media. MY part in it is in the “Otakulture” festival, a part of the Electrofringe festival.

I’ll be participating in a panel discussion, and also showing 6 pieces of art in the exhibit. Four of these would be pages from “The Dreaming”, while the other two would be my Chinese Opera Singer pictures. They’ll be A3 size so I need to go to a printer, but that’s plenty of work for me to do so far.