- This is part of an on-going blog series called “Being a Professional Manga Artist in the West“. The first post is here.
- You can buy my “Queenie Chan: Short Stories 2000-2010” collection as a $4.99 ebook. Get it from Smashwords, Amazon, Apple iBooks, Nook.

Section 1: My Story – Being a Professional Manga-Style Comic Artist in the West
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: My Publishing History
- Part 3: How I Got Started – Drawing my own Manga Series
- Part 3a: ‘The Dreaming’ Series (2004-2007)
- Part 3b: The TOKYOPOP Manga Pitching Process
- Part 3c: The Beginning of the End of TOKYOPOP
- Part 4: Working as a Manga-Style Comics Illustrator
- Part 4a: Manga was Either being Pirated, or Considered to be For Kids
- Part 4b: Dean Koontz and the ‘Odd Thomas’ Series (2007-2010)
- Part 4c: Manga Bit-Parts of Media Empires
- Part 5: Comics-Prose with ‘Small Shen’ (2011-2012)
- Part 5a: ‘I wanted 3 Days of Entertainment from a $10 Book’
- Part 5b: ‘Manga comes in BOOK form?!’
- Blog Aside: Never, Ever Work for Free. Ever.
- Part 5c: Mixing Prose and Comics
- Part 6: Taking Time Out to Wait a While
- Blog Aside: Does OEL Manga ‘Sell’ or Not?
Section 2: Getting a Manga Published
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Submissions
- Part 2a: Submission Policies
- Part 2b: Putting a Submission together
- Part 2c: Sending a Submission
- Part 2d: Getting a Rejection from a Publisher
- Part 2e: Dealing with a Rejection from a Publisher
- Part 3: Agents
- Part 3a: What is an Agent?
- Part 3b: Why do Agents exist?
- Part 3c: Where can a manga-style comic artist find an Agent?
- Part 3d: WARNING: Unscrupulous Agents and Scammers Exist
- Part 4: You got a Publishing Deal!
- Part 4a: Dealing with a Publishing Contract
- Part 4b: Firstly, What are you Selling to a Publisher when you enter into a Publishing Agreement?
- Part 4c: What is Copyright?”
- Part 4d: If I Sell an Exclusive License to a Publisher, How Long does that License Last For?
- Part 5: Getting Paid – Publishing Advances
- Part 6: Books Shipped and Books Returned (FINAL)
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